3rd International Workshop
Education meets Process Mining
–This workshop is organized within the International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2024) in Copenhagen (Denmark) on October 14, 2024 —
edupm 2024
Title+Abstract Submission: August 8, 2024 -> August 15, 2024
Complete Paper Submission: August 15, 2024 -> August 22, 2024
Acceptance Notification: September 2, 2024 -> September 13, 2024
Pre-workshop Camera-Ready: September 23, 2024
Workshops: October 14, 2024
Post-workshop Camera-Ready: October 29, 2024
The Workshop
Process Mining has proven to be a powerful interdisciplinary tool for addressing open challenges in several fields such as healthcare or finances … and Education is no exception. The recent Process Mining approaches proposed for learning analytics, curricular analytics, or MOOC analytics are just some examples. But the Education discipline is also contributing to Process Mining, providing best practices, lessons learned, and new artifacts for better teaching and assessing Process Mining.
The International Workshop on Education meets Process Mining (EduPM) aims at providing a high-quality forum for the intersection of Education and Process Mining. This intersection goes in both directions:
Process Mining for Education
How could process mining be used to address some of the challenges in the field of education? E.g., Process Mining for learning analytics, curricular analytics, motivation trajectories, MOOCs and blended courses, self-regulated learning patterns, …
Education for Process Mining
How could we improve the teaching of the Process Mining discipline? E.g., novel learning strategies tailored for Process Mining, new instruments to automatically assess specific topics of Process Mining, systematic studies of how Process Mining is being taught on different educational programs or levels, a novel curriculum around Process Mining, among others.
Workshop Topics
Submitted works should fall in one of the two categories: 1) Process Mining for Education or 2) Education for Process Mining. Education is a broad umbrella that includes all types of education: primary, secondary, professional, online, in-company, etc. The workshop aims at both more theoretical contributions such as new techniques and algorithms, and more applied contributions such as methodologies, systematic studies, and empirical contributions such as user and case studies. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Process Mining for Education
Process Mining for Learning Analytics
Process Mining for Curricular Analytics
Analysis of MOOC/SPOC/blended with Process Mining
Novel frameworks and taxonomies of PM4Edu
Event log collection and processing in Educational environments
Self-Regulation and Efficacy assessment through Process Mining
Gamification through Process Mining
Predicting and simulating educational processes with Process Mining
Ethics and privacy for educational data gathering and processing though Process Mining
PM4Edu for motivation trajectories and behavioral patterns analysis
WACI (Wild And Crazy Ideas) for PM4Edu
Education for Process Mining
New active learning methodologies for Edu4PM
Design and Implementation of new resources for Edu4PM
Novel assessment instruments for Edu4PM
Feedback approaches tailored for Edu4PM
Teaching the Process of Process Mining and Procedural Thinking
Systematic studies of Edu4PM in different education dimensions
Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Edu4PM
New resources and Smart Learning Environments for Edu4PM
Process Mining instructor professionalization and certification
Teaching PM for underrepresented groups, including students with disabilities
Success Case Studies and Application of Edu4PM
WACI (Wild And Crazy Ideas) for Edu4PM
Submitted “Regular Papers” must be a research contribution, and will be evaluated on the basis of significance, originality, technical quality, and potential to generate relevant discussion. Submissions must use the Springer LNCS/LNBIP. Submissions must be in English and must not exceed 12 pages (including figures, bibliography and appendices). Each paper should clarify the relation of the paper with the workshop main topics, clearly state the problem being addressed, the goal of the work, the results achieved, and the relation to other work. Papers should be submitted electronically as a self-contained PDF file via the Easychair submission system (see Submission section) . Submissions must be original contributions that have not been published previously, nor already submitted to other conferences or journals in parallel with this workshop. Accepted papers will be published by Springer as a post-workshop proceedings volume in the series Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP). At least one author of each accepted paper must register and participate in the workshop.
Show & Tell
Besides Regular Paper contributions, the workshop also accepts “Show&Tell” submissions: non-research contributions outside of the Regular Paper proceedings, where authors present an interesting element or initiative for the EduPM community. To be able to present a Show&Tell, authors must submit a document summarizing their contribution and clearly stating the impact and benefits for the EduPM community. The format is free but submissions must be in English and must not exceed 2 pages. Submissions must be submitted electronically as a self-contained PDF file via the submission system (see Submission section). The final format of an interactive session to present all the Show&Tell contributions will be determined by the organizers, based on the number and nature of the accepted contributions. At least one author of each accepted Show&Tell must register and participate in the workshop.
Some examples include:
Cases: experiences in the application of a certain curriculum, teaching, or evaluation approach or methodology, including lessons learned, tips, and pitfalls to avoid.
Resources: materials like course structures, slides, videos, exercises, or exams. Specially interested in event logs and databases with specific (injected) characteristics designed to support data preparation/process mining lectures and, ideally, equipped with exercises. A link to the material is highly encouraged for these types of submissions.
Tools: showcases of innovative PM education tools, services, softwares, and applications. A link to demo videos showing the use of the tool is highly encouraged for these submissions.
Lightning: contributions exploring tentative or preliminary work, or even new and untested ideas (ideas for possible work), or opportunities for collaborative work. Presentations of mature work will not be considered and must be submitted as Regular Paper. The purpose of a Lightning Contribution can be to start a discussion, find collaborators, or receive input and critique about an idea.
Recognition: as a community we would like to recognize those professionals that have been awarded in their own institutions for their excellent teaching in a Process Mining related course. Send us the official recognition letter from your institution (or similar), join us at the awards session during the workshop, and share with us your secret.
Journal Special Issue
Authors of the best EduPM Regular papers (together with other best ICPM Workshops papers) have be invited to substantially extend the original workshop paper (20-25 pages long) for the Process Science journal. The invitation includes a fast track option and an open-access fee waiver, ensuring there is no cost for the authors.
Best authors will be announced during EduPM conference.
Both Regular Papers and Show&Tell must be submitted electronically as a self-contained PDF file via the Easychair submission system. Deadlines are available at the Important Dates section.
11:00 - 12:30
Opening - Welcome from the EduPM Chairs.
Paper 1 - Assessing the impact of exam preparation process on students' careers - Domenico Potena, Laura Genga, Lorenzo Galeazzi, Gianmarco Viganò and Claudia Diamantini
Paper 2 - Understanding Student Behavior using Active Window Tracking and Process Mining - Mahendrawathi Er, Wouter Van Der Waal, Iris Beerepoot, Moch. Aqmal Rasyadan Reza Putra and Hardhika Propitadewa
Paper 3 - Measuring Skill Acquisition and Retention: A Case Study of Math Fluency - Gert Janssenswillen, Seppe Van Daele and Marc Van Daele
13:30 - 15:00
Paper 4 - Evaluation of Study Plans using Partial Orders - Christian Rennert, Mahsa Pourbafrani and Wil van der Aalst.
Paper 5 - Constructive Alignment in Process Mining - Mitchel Brunings, Dirk Fahland and Boudewijn van Dongen.
Show & Tell - Celonis - Making OCPM available for everyone (in academia) - Angela-Sophia Gebert, Keisha Glori Natalia and Clemens Drieschner
15:30 - 17:00
Keynote - Challenges and Opportunities of LA, with a focus on Multimodality - Daniel Spikol
To be announced during the workshop.
To be announced during the workshop.
This workshop is part of the International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2024) All registration procedure and logistics information are managed directly by ICPM.
Jorge Munoz-Gama
Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile
Francesca Zerbato
University of St.Gallen
Francesca's web
Gert Janssenswillen
Hasselt University
Wil van der Aalst
RWTH Aachen University (Germany)
This workshop is an initiative of the
IEEE Task Force on Process Mining
Program committee
Wil van der Aalst – RWTH Aachen University
Iris Beerepoot – Utrecht University
Mitchel Brunings – Eindhoven University of Technology
Andrea Burattin – Technical University of Denmark
Daniel Calegari – Universidad de la República
Ronan Champagnat - Université de la Rochelle
Andrea Delgado – Universidad de la República
Boudewijn van Dongen – Eindhoven University of Technology
Luciano Hidalgo – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Richard Hobeck - TU Berlin
Gert Janssenswillen – Hasselt University
Manuel Lama – University of Santiago de Compostela
Sander Leemans – Queensland University of Technology
Felix Mannhardt – Eindhoven University of Technology
Niels Martin – Hasselt University
Jorge Munoz-Gama – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Cristobal Romero – University of Cordova
Marcos Sepúlveda – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Pnina Soffer – University of Haifa
Emilio Sulis – University of Torino
Jochen De Weerdt – KU Leuven
Francesca Zerbato – University of St. Gallen